Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Serious Salsa

It was a pretty normal Taco Tuesday in our house. Tons of food, fun and friends. We go big but keep it simple by basically serving up dozens of tacos. Tonight we inhaled about three dozen in total which is not uncommon during our weekly celebration but still impressive.

To top it all off, pun intended, was this salsa. Taco Tuesday took a turn for the better when this dish seriously sidled it's way in and then immediately took over.

Deliciously blended and easy on the eyes, it became the perfect accompaniment to our beef tacos, chicken fajitas and nachos. The salsa's corn popped with the onion which accented the tomato to blend with the beans. They all came together with kitchen chemistry to create a refreshingly Mexican side dish.

A small portion was uneaten and guess which lucky hosts got to keep the leftovers?