Monday, January 23, 2012

Dining Out: Know Before You Go

I love food. However, in light of a recent food poisoning episode that swept our home, I must revisit this post, You Are What you Eat. In this 2-part series, we looked into clothes and food so that consumers would be made aware of what we are really spending our money on. Food is vital to life but as of late, restaurants have been foregoing quality for the all mighty dollar and patrons suffer. As is the case with my children and father-in-law, who, no surprise are the two age groups most highly likely to be vulnerable to it. With weakened or still developing immune systems, the body cannot fight off Staph, deal with spoiled meats or unsanitary dining ware that are common in restaurants today. Now, every city should be conducting inspections and this information is open to the public. There is no excuse not to look up & read the reviews of the restaurants before dining to be on the safe side. Heed the warnings. It's not being picky. It is being safe so consider the local restaurant reviews and health inspections are your personal tour of the kitchen. From family friendly to 4 Star establishments are subject to inspection and how they keep their kitchens really varies across the board. I habitually check before we go but I broke with tradition this time and we suffered. There are a variety of offenses from the most insignificant to the highly objectionable. Let's just say our restaurant ran the gamut in the offense department & unknown to most people in the area, had been shut down for reasons unknown. Very shady but there are ways to avoid a dining disaster.
Here are simple tips to keep everyone healthy when dining out:
1. Check your local restaurant health inspections & reviews. A quick Google search & 10 min could save your tummies the crummies.

2. If it looks filthy in the dining area, then imagine the kitchen. Don't hesitate to walk out if the atmosphere & cleanliness is unfavorable.

3. Immediately, but politely send back any unsavory dishes. My motto for food quality is: "When in doubt, throw out." It is not worth getting sick so speak up if something tastes off.

4. Wash hands before eating or at least wipe down with Wet Ones or use some Purell. From the doorknob at the front door to that accidental handswipe under the table, germs are lurking. Avoid hand to mouth transfer by washing often.