Set-up at the latest Savory Salvations photo shoot |
For the past few weeks, we at Savory Salvations have been holding Weekly Wine sessions via Skype. We schedule a time each week, grab a glass of wine and talk all things life and food. This has proven to be an easy and convenient way to communicate with one another overseas and maintain blog business as usual. Sometimes we wander off and reminisce about the amazing things that have decorated our lives and decade (plus) long friendship but the topic always comes back around to food. We both love food so much that we chat about hot new restaurants, health issues, tips for saving money when grocery shopping, food trends and plans for our food futures. We are coming from lives that couldn't be further apart. One of us living the fast paced life of a successful analyst and the other an uber-busy mother of three. Though our menus may vary, we come with the same resoundingly strict principals for what goes into our bodies.
Eat the best foods that are the best for you whenever possible. We simply love good food. What ends up in our mouths is a well thought out event and we are both sure to fully embrace each bite.
Wine enjoyed at the shoot |
The team at Savory Salvations have found ourselves in the midst of a revamp that now crosses the globe and many cultures in between. To fit it all in the fare, we now have some great updates slated for the near future. In addition to our candid restaurant reviews, we will be featuring more personal pics with Real comments about the foods we savor everyday. We recently held an all day photo shoot for Savory and these candid pics are straight from the set of the shoot. We want to openly share our food lives with our readers who are enjoying the same foods and drinking wine just like we are everyday. We have also planned to feature frequent
Real Meals that we enjoy and
Weekly Food Journals as our ever changing lives keep us always seeking practical meals and fresh fare.
Prop table at the shoot. We ate all the props after! |
We will also be asking you, the reader to interact with us and contribute to the love of all things food through social media. Children, jobs, entertaining, weddings and friends keep us all busy but they also keep us enjoying some of the most delicious and savory meals that are part of all our lives.
Food is a common bond so stay tuned for some Savory updates and be sure to find us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter!